How To Change Font In Instagram Bio and Captions

A perfect way to style your Instagram in a unique way and to stand out among others is to change font in your Instagram bio.

If you want to know how to get different fonts for free on Instagram and learn our secret Instagram bio tips, keep on reading.

Psssst… if you want to fast-track your Instagram success we have a Social Media Bundle that includes everything you need to supercharge your Instagram growth.

How to change font in your Instagram bio

Disclosure; This post probably contains affiliate links. We only recommend products we use and love and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Instagram Bio Ideas

The Instagram bio is a section under your username where people come to learn more about you.

In this article, we are gonna talk about some awesome Instagram bio ideas that you really should consider using to accelerate your Instagram growth.

We have a complete guide on how to optimize your Instagram profile to attract more followers and make more sales. Check out our D.I.Y Instagram Audit Checklist if you want the ultimate checklist on how to make a quick and easy DIY Instagram Audit. This checklist is included in our Social Media Bundle.

diy instagram audit checklist


How to Format Your Bio

To make your followers or customers understand what your page is about, it’s essential to have an informative Instagram bio that describes you and/or your company and products.

A way to make your page more visible to your targeted niche audience and gain visitors to your page is to have a description of what you are or what you do in your name title. This way you will show up in the search results when someone is searching for like in my case Instagram expert.

Different Font Instagram Bio

Moreover, you should describe who you help, with what you help and what result your service/product will deliver to them.

You should also have a clear “call to action” in your bio section. What do you want the visitor to do? Follow you? Head over to your blog? Buy your special offer? Prescribe to your Youtube channel? Your message should be clear in your Instagram bio.

Also, it’s a very good idea to add the URL link to your shop, blog, Youtube channel or another website you want people to visit.

Pssst…want to learn how to make a living creating content as a marketer on Instagram? I’ve built a multi-six-figure business doing this working part-time hours (and it’s not working as an influencer). Check out my free masterclass HERE.

Instagram Highlight Covers

Instagram Highlight Icons are a really cool way to style your Instagram bio and to highlight important stories on your profile. This will make your profile look professional and stand out among others.

How to Change Font in Instagram Captions

Our best tip to make it quick and easy to change font in Instagram caption is to use the amazing tool Tailwind. This is the best scheduling tool in our opinion. In Tailwind you can schedule as many posts as you like which makes it so much easier for you to stay consistent with your posting and saves you loads of time. We also love the hashtag finder in Tailwind which help you find the best hashtags in your niche to get maximal visibility and reach new people.

In Tailwind, you can easily change font to cursive or bold directly in the text box when writing your Instagram caption and you can also add fun emojis.

Change font Instagram caption Tailwind

We always use Tailwind for our social media manager clients and it helps us to grow their Instagram accounts and increase their web page traffic in ways that we can’t achieve with manual posting. Tailwind takes over this time-consuming part of our job, so we can spend our time more effectively on other tasks. 

We also use Tailwind successfully on our Pinterest profile which helped us to grow our account to over 300 000 monthly views. Sign up for a free trial of Tailwind and try it out yourself here!

How to Change Font Instagram Bio

If you are wondering how to change font on Instagram bio there are a few different websites with free font generators. On these websites, you can change text to different fonts for your Instagram bio or other social media profiles for free.

I’ve been using this free font generator for my Instagram bio font style. It’s that simple as typing in a text and it will be displayed in different fonts. The fonts are ready to be copied and pasted into your Instagram bio, caption, or comments.

The tool will come up with a list of fonts that can be used in Instagram, showing you how your text would look like. Some fonts are pretty simple, while some use emojis and symbols and others are almost impossible to read.

Instagram Font Generator

Once you have copied your chosen font, go to your Instagram profile and click “Edit Profile”. Paste your new text into the “Name” field or into the “Bio” section.

Personally, I love the cursive bold letters and have used that for my Instagram bio. But there are so many beautiful fonts to choose from.

This is how the cursive font looks on my Instagram bio.

Different Font Instagram Bio

If you’d prefer a wider selection of fonts, check out the iOS app Fonts – for Instagram

Text Symbols

If you want to add something more different and fun to your text you can check out this webpage. Here you can add some cool symbols to your text.

There are so many symbols to choose from; hearts, flowers, stars, crowns, and much more.

Test symbols Instagram caption

These tips will definitely make your Instagram account stand out and get noticed. This will accelerate your Instagram growth and in the end, generate more leads.

Please share your result in the comments if you change your Instagram bio font or style up your Instagram bio with highlight covers.

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